Over the last few days, we have been in the middle of a deep freeze. Many of you, in other parts of the world will never experience the type of weather we are now having here in western Canada. Today was minus 35 degrees celcius, which for those of you who measure your air temperature in fahrenheit, it is the same as minus 31 F! It is supposed to stay cold all week, but not quite as cold as today. It won't stay like this for too long, usually within a week to 10 days it gets back to normal winter temperatures which are not quite so severe. In the summer it can be plus 35 degrees, celcius or 95 F. So you can see there is quite an extreme range from winter to summer. Anyhow, because of the cold weather, my sons' school was closed today, so we wrapped presents and made chocolate fudge. Yesterday all the kids were here, as well as my eldest grandaughter and we spent the afternoon in our warm house decorating sugar cookies.
Prebaked sugar cookies, (we baked ours earlier that morning). Icing in several colors, and sprinkles, colored sugar, small candies etc. for decorating, some spreaders or small spatulas for spreading the icing on the cookies, and toothpicks for detailed areas. Also if you have fancy icing cake decorating tools that's a bonus.
Add some eager participants..................
Lots of creativity....

and voila!!!!!!

Oh, yeah...and while we were having fun doing that, my husband was doing this!

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All you need for this fun filled activity for all ages is:

Oh, yeah...and while we were having fun doing that, my husband was doing this!
I had to chuckle at the last picture! Inside looked way more fun than outside in that weather! The cookies turned out great and hopefully your husband enjoyed them while he was thawing out from the snowblowing!
Yeah, we gave him a few when he came in a few hours later! He desrved it, he worked hard.
oh you're a fun mom! I remember one winter day my dad came home from work just before we were about to get on the bus for school and told us we were having a snow day that day..we went to one of the outdoor ponds and spent the day skating. As an adult I wonder what went on at work for him that morning..:) but, my point is~ it's the out of the ordinary stuff that kids remember well and those cookies look pretty memorable! :-)
Looks like a good day was had by all ~ well except for hubbie I expect!!
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