Last week was another busy week, with all kinds of events that kept me running from one place to the next! I had a couple of big jewellery orders that needed to be packed up and delivered or mailed to different boutiques, my son had his Grade 8 graduation, and of course it was Fathers Day.
I cannot believe my youngest child is off to high school next year! I think the kids all had fun on Friday night at their grad ceremony. Many of the Moms, including myself, helped decorate and transform the community hall into a party like atmosphere filled with red balloons, and black and gold decorations suitable for a wonderful celebration for the kids. They had a nice meal, and danced to a DJ, while teachers and many other parents, including my husband, helped supervise. It was so nice to see the kids that we have known since kindergarten, all dressed up and become such great teens.
I attended the customer appreciation event at THE local fashion boutique, on Thursday, and was asked to be their "real" model for their Facebook page this week. So that was fun! I got to model beautiful clothes, while snacking on sushi and sipping champagne!
What a great Dad! (my husband) |
We celebrated fathers day with an old fashioned picnic in the park
near our place. The grand kids and my son were not allowed to have their
phones on that day, and instead we played Frisbee, horseshoes, and Bocci ball. The kids played in the trees, and we also went for a little hike down to the river.
Picking dandelions. |
Chilling with Grandpa. |
We ended the day with a stop at the ice cream shack, where they even had
sugar free ice cream for me! It was a fun day, and we decided that we
have to do that more often...its great for the kids!
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