I am sure that some of you have often seen this logo or one similiar to it, on several jewelry sites and blogs, and wondered...what is that all about? SRAJD stands for :
Self representing Artists in Jewelry Design
Well OK...but what does that mean? When you purchase jewelery from an SRAJD member, you are buying directly from and supporting that artist.
"It is the mission of the SRAJD organization to raise awareness of the benefits of buying directly from the artist. "
This is an international group that was started in the USA, by jewelry designer Laura Bracken. A selection of sponsers that are jewelry designers, are listed each month on the SRAJD sponser page with links to their websites or shops. There is also a separate list of contributing members, with links to their websites as well. This is a great resource, should you be in the market for original handcrafted jewelry, and a wonderful opportunity to support jewelry artists from around the world. There are some amazing artists listed here, and they are all offer something different and unique. There is also a wealth of invaluable information for jewelry artists, as well as tutorials on techniques, color theory, Bali silver etc. If you are a jewelry designer, or just staring out making jewelry and are interested in becoming a member or a sponser...the fees are very reasonable....please check out this website!
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Oh, glad you explained what it stands for. I'm going there now....
I've looked into that awhile back but I think it's time I revisited it. Thanks for the info!
Oh I'm headed right there, thanks for sharing.
Oh I heading to it, thanks for sharing.
Amen to that!
Best wishes,
Srajd member # 2649
I have been meaning to do this, but it always gets bumped to the bottom of the to-do list. I think I will have to just get there and get it done :)
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