As Canadians, we celebrate Thanksgiving this Monday, October 13. This is a similiar holiday as the one celebrated by our neighbours to the south of us, but we celebrate several weeks earlier than our American friends, who have their Thanksgiving on the fourth Thursday in November. Families and friends gather together, and we have the traditional turkey feast and pumpkin pie, and our homes are decorated with autumn colors, pumpkins, and gourds. The kids are all coming out on the weekend so we will have eleven of us around the table for dinner. All 4 of our children, 2 grandkids and the boyfriends, of two of our daughters are also joining us. Daughter # 2, is currently dating an Australian fellow, and this will be his first Thanksgiving ever! He seemed a bit confused about the whole holiday, as Thanksgiving is not celebrated in Australia, so my daughter told him there would be a big feast, and he was fine with that! Daughter # 3s boyfriend is originally from England, so I don't think his family is much into the holiday either, but once again he is apparantly looking forward to the dinner, and celebrating with our family this year. So I am busy with all that comes with preparing the house and the meal for Thanksgiving..but I love it!! I am so thankful for my wonderful husband, my fabulous family, my health, my beautiful home, the country that I live in and the freedoms that we enjoy. This holiday that we celebrate is a good reminder, to not take these things for granted, as they can so quickly change. I will be taking a few days away from the computer to relax and spend time with my family over the weekend.
Happy Thanksgiving, Canada!
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